Saturday, June 10, 2006

The last mile
The ongoing debate on Network Neutrality.
Today’s generation is the true Internet generation. Within our lifetimes, we have seen the technology and internet revolution change the way we live and learn. The internet is the sole medium enabling creativity, thought and ultimately revolution.
Now the telecommunication giants are here to change it all. They claim that the other carrier services like our postal services or shipping companies charge a premium for fast delivery. For example, courier services charge higher for next day delivery. Similarly, the telecom companies want to charge higher for providing faster access to websites. So for companies like Google, Yahoo or Craigslist, who generate higher traffic, will have to pay to keep the current level (if not more) traffic to their webpages.
What does this mean to users?
* Slower access to websites while we pay the same monthly charges for internet access.
* Bloggers, who are the next generation creative minds and use media such as audio and video, will be discouraged from uploading content, since access is so much slower
* Manipulation! When providers give better access to selective websites, they are doing an injustice by discouraging users to access other (slower) websites. This could mean lesser choices for users.
* Telecommuters will suffer badly if they don’t have reliable access via conferencing and other media for their home office. Smaller home businesses will also suffer the same casualty.
* Online sales will take a hit
* The non profit organizations that target to reach millions of users through the only low cost medium will have to rely on more donations from known sources. Philanthropy which is so hard to come by needs support from free medium like the internet.
There are much larger issues about the internet which need to be addressed urgently. Real issues like tracking molestors, child pornogrpahers and stalkers on the internet are issues which need to be more actively dealt by the powers at large. As more and more children go online each year, the threat to their safety and security is only increasing. Statistics show that one out of every 17 minors are solicited, threatened or harrassed online. Cybercrime is touching our lives in many ways and there needs to be an increased effort to tackle this issue urgently. With such serious issues needing immediate attention, Net neutrality should never have become an issue in the first place.


Thursday, June 08, 2006

Summers finally here!
So on the memorial day weekend, we decided to go hiking and do some nature walk. We discovered a trail which promised to show spectacular views of the ocean off and on.
Here are some pictures we took on our sunny day out.
Mt Tamalpais location:

On the day of the hike: